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How do I update my payment information for my Music Choice subscription?

If your subscription was purchased through Music Choice:

  • Visit the Music Choice Dashboard and sign in with your account credentials

  • After successfully logging in, you will land on the Account page. Find the Subscriptions section, select the subscription you want to modify, and then click on "View Details"

  • Next, choose "Update Subscription" and then select or remove the packages of your choice.

  • Next, choose "Update Billing Info" to make any necessary changes to your billing information.

If your subscription was purchased through the iOS App Store:

Please follow the instructions outlined by Apple:

If your subscription was purchased through a VIZIO Account:

Step 1: Sign into your VIZIO account at and Select 'Payment Methods'.

Step 2: Click on ‘Update’ to update an existing payment method, or ‘Add New Card’ to add a new credit card. Make the desired updates and hit the ‘Save button’.

If you're not sure how your subscription was purchased:

If you are not sure how you purchased your subscription, please contact for further assistance.

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