How do I update my payment information for my Music Choice subscription?
If your subscription was purchased through Music Choice:
Visit the Music Choice Dashboard and sign in with your account credentials
After successfully logging in, you will land on the Account page. Find the Subscriptions section, select the subscription you want to modify, and then click on "View Details"
Next, choose "Update Subscription" and then select or remove the packages of your choice.
Next, choose "Update Billing Info" to make any necessary changes to your billing information.
If your subscription was purchased through the iOS App Store:
Please follow the instructions outlined by Apple:
If your subscription was purchased through a VIZIO Account:
Step 1: Sign into your VIZIO account at and Select 'Payment Methods'.
Step 2: Click on ‘Update’ to update an existing payment method, or ‘Add New Card’ to add a new credit card. Make the desired updates and hit the ‘Save button’.
If you're not sure how your subscription was purchased:
If you are not sure how you purchased your subscription, please contact for further assistance.